LIFE projects were present under implementation in Romania as examples of best practices, challenges and comparisons with other types of financing. It presented the results of the projects implemented by: Timis Environmental Protection Agency, Gorj Environmental Protection Agency, Vrancea Environmental Protection Agency, Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation, etc.
Mrs. Georgeta Titan, as Manager of the LIFE + 13 NAT / RO / 001 488 project, presented the objectives, results and problems in project implementation. Also presented APM Timis experience in implementing projects financed by LIFE:
- Conservation of natural habitat humid swamps Satchinez – LIFE99 NAT / RO / 006 394, implemented in the period 01.08.1999 – 31.07.2002
- Conservation of wet marshes Satchinez habitat – LIFE99 NAT / RO / 006 394, implemented in the period 01.10.2002 – 30.09.2005 8310
- Conservation management of the habitat 8310 in the site Natura 2000 Semenic – Caras Gorges, implemented in the period 01.01.2009 – 31.12.2011.
Each LIFE project set up a stand with information materials created within its own project for informing participants in attendance. APM Timis has set up a stand with information materials developed within the project LIFE 13 NAT / RO / 001 488, being disseminated: leaflets with presentation project flyers “Cave and Tourism”, “Cave and Agriculture”, “Cave and Forestry”, brochure “How to protect caves and bats” and atlases made in the previous project LIFE 07 NAT / RO / 000 680.