2015 – Life in the cave

Drawing exhibition

Within the project we organized educational activities with schools in the area of implementation of the LIFE project “Conservation Habitat 8310 from the Natura 2000 site Nera – Beuşniţa: Anina, Bozovici, Cărbunari, Ciclova Romanian, Ilidia, Lăpuşnicu Great Moceriş Oravita, Potoc and Sasca Montana in order to create groups of students “Friends caves” and to sensitize and educate the next generation of conservative and responsible spirit to nature, caves and bats.

During the campaign of 2015, students in each school under the guidance of teachers (teachers, educators) organized an exhibition of drawings on the theme “Life in the cave.”

Specialists from the project showed the students information about karst topography, the basics of a cave (cave, stalagmites, stalactites, stalagmites, curtains, shafts, chimneys, drains) have been informed about peşetrile in the area and have learned to be respect when visiting a cave.

We also presented general information about bats (bats), means echolocation and what is necessary to protect bats.

I shattered the myth that bats instead of attacking people and our hair …
At the close of business on each school diplomas were awarded to students and teachers participating, along with informative materials about caves and bats.

More information can be found in the following material:Friends of caves - caves and bats

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