Thematic Conference on 8310 habitat conservation – National Congress of Speleology, Baru Mare, 6 to 8 July 2018

In the National Congress of Speleology and caving events Balkan Caver’s Camp and International Photographic Contest “SpeoArta”, organized by the Romanian Federation of Speleology between 2 to 8 July 2018 that took place in Baru Mare, Hunedoara County, between 06 – 08 July we supported a thematic conference on 8310 habitat conservation.

During the conference, we presented aspects of the conservation status of habitats 8310. We related concrete aspects need for rehabilitation and protection of habitat 8310, the experience gained in the project LIFE 13 NAT / RO / 001 488.

Because 2018 marking the 150th anniversary of Emil Racovita, founder of Bio-Speleology and caving in Romania, organizers wanted this event to be special, bringing together personalities of caving from several countries. Balkan Caver’s Camp gathered together cavers from Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Turkey, USA and Puerto Rico.

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