Instruire – 30 iulie – 02 august 2020
2 August 2020/by admin_wmsSesiunea de depunere proiecte #EULife20 pentru anul 2020 este deschisa!
24 June 2020/by admin_wmsVideoconferinţă 12.06.2020
12 June 2020/by admin_wmsVideoconferinţă
12 May 2020/by admin_wmsLIFE INFODAY 2020
7 May 2020/by admin_wmsÎntâlnire cu factorii interesaţi, informarea grupurilor ţintă
19 December 2019/by admin_wmsConferinţă de presă, Oravita 2019
2 December 2019/by admin_wmsÎNTALNIREA ANUALĂ A SPEOLOGILOR DIN BANAT – 24-25.11.2019, ORAVIŢA
25 November 2019/by admin_wmsConferința tematică privind conservare habitatului 8310 – Congresul Naţional de Speologie, Șuncuiuș, 30 august – 01 septembrie 2019
1 September 2019/by admin_wmsMeetings with stakeholders, 27 to 28 November 2017, Sasca Romana
12 December 2017/by admin_wmsExchange information with other projects
18 November 2017/by admin_wmsPersuasion activities for administrators, 22 to 23 May 2017, Sasca Romana
23 May 2017/by admin_wmsThe Caravan ”25 years of LIFE”
23 May 2017/by admin_wmsAwards for a Clean Environment organized by ECOTIC in 2016
18 December 2016/by admin_wmsBanat Cavers Annual Meeting, 26-27.11.2016, Oraviţa
27 November 2016/by admin_wms
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