Final conference concluding the project LIFE + 11 / NAT / RO / 825 Conservation Management of Habitats 4070 * and 9260 ROSCI0129 in the North of West Gorj Targu Jiu, 10 to 12 October 2018

Between 10 to 12 October 2018 our team participated at the final Conference concluding the LIFE + 11 / NAT / RO / 825 “Conservation Management of Habitats 4070 * and 9260 ROSCI0129 in theNorth of West Gorj ” organized by the Gorj Environmental Protection Agency.

On the first day, there was a presentation of the project, the partners and the results and have sent feedback on project results. In the second part of the day was dedicated to the celebration of the Anniversary Gala held LIFE projects in Romania.

The second day was devoted to an applied activities in the project area by visiting the site of the two habitats restored by the project, namely 4070 * – Pinus mugo and Rhododendron shrubs and habitat myrtifolium 9260 – forest vegetation with Castanea sativa. In the second part of the day was organized an event dedicated to the celebration of 100 years of the Great Union on “Nature Protection – element of sustainable development, social responsibility model”

On the third day, there was a meeting on “Conclusions. Official closure of the project”.

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