Thematic Conference on 8310 habitat restoration

Between 8 to 11 September 2017 the Environmental Protection Agency Timis in partnership with Mountain Tourism and Ecology Speo-Alpin MH and the Romanian Federation of Speleology organized a thematic conference on 8310 habitat restoration at the National Congress of Speleology held at Tismana, Gorj county.

The conference addressed topics for thematic groups on the conservation/ restoration of 8310 habitat. LEPA Timis presented aspects of rehabilitation, remediation, protection and 8310 habitat management, as the LIFE Project experience in 8310 habitat conservation management of the Natura 2000 Semenic – Caras Gorges and presented the results for the habitat of the Natura 2000 site Nera Gorges- Beuşniţa.

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